Partech’s range of SoliTechw² IR infrared sensors can be used for the measurement of suspended solids, sludge density, and turbidity in a wide range of applications, which includes Mixed Liquor (MLSS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Sludge Blanket Detection.
The sensor has been designed as a robust and accurate method of portable detection. The machined housing provides excellent resistance to impact, temperature and chemical attack and the only maintenance required is periodic cleaning of the optical surfaces.
The SoliTechw² IR sensors are connected to the 750w² Portable unit via a high quality IP68 connector. The sensors are interchangeable, allowing a customer to use the same 750w² portable unit at different locations with different sensors.
The SoliTechw² IR Sensors come in 4 different ranges to maximise accuracy over a diverse range of applications. The 750w² and SoliTechw² IR combination make this the most flexible Suspended Solids, Turbidity and Sludge Density portable product range available on the market.